Uniting Women, Empowering Equity: Building a Just Future Together"
7:30-10:30 a.m. March 11, 2025
Emerald Resort Cape Cod/Cape Cod Irish Village,
35 Scudder Ave., Hyannis.
Register by Thursday, March 6 at this link: https://tinyurl.com/2025-IWDB-Cape-Cod
Reservation fee of $20 includes breakfast and opportunities to visit more than 30 resource tables.
Program includes:
- Tamora Israel, Poet and Author ~ Inspirational Invocation
- Anita Peters-Mother Bear, Mashpee Wampanoag elder will share words of wisdom
"Leading Systemic Change"
- Senator Liz Miranda, Massachusetts Senate (video message):
- Representative Hadley Luddy, Massachusetts House (In person speaker)
"Super Women: Accelerating Action in Our Communities (speakers and video vignettes)
Youth Panel Discussion: Leading Change Now: students from the Cape Cod YMCA Young Achievers
And more
Planning organizations include:
League of Women Voters of the Cape Cod Area
League of Women Voters of Falmouth:
Amplify POC Cape Cod:
Cape Cod Cape Verdean Museum and Cultural Center
Cape Cod Commission On The Status of Women
Cape Cod Foundation, Women and Girls Fund:
International Business Relations
Upper Cape Women's Coalition