Acella Construction Announces Relocation To Rockland

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Acella Construction Corporation, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, has announced its relocation from 38 Washington St., Pembroke, to 400 Hingham St., Rockland.

AcellaThe recent move from the former roughly 7,000-square-foot building to a space twice the size of 14,000 square feet comes as a result of company growth and expansion into new vertical markets. 

 “With a total of 54 employees and anticipated continued staff expansion stemming from consistent client growth, the need for us to move from our former location to a much larger building was necessary,” said Saul Schrader, president of Acella Construction.

Acella is working on a master plan of the facility and has currently moved into roughly 10,000 square feet of the space.  The former Pembroke building was owned by Acella and is presently being sold.

The move comes on the heels of Acella’s 20th anniversary and the recent announcement of Schrader as company president. Schrader follows in the footsteps of CEO David Dirubbo who in 2003 co-founded the company with his brother Anthony.

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