Best Places to Work Honoree 2022

Organization Name: East Bay Grille
Address: Plymouth
Phone: (508) 746-9751
Contact Email:
Describe in detail the culture of the company and a recent experience supporting that.
East Bay is a cutting-edge modern Seafood/Steak restaurant. Recently they implemented a brand new state-of-the-art POS (Point of Sale) system to help with speed, accuracy, inventory, and payroll controls.
Has the company/organization offered rewards or incentives for great customer service or a positive employee attitude?
They do regularly and will award employees with gift cards, free meals, game tickets, etc.
Does the organization offer training for levels of advancement? Is there room for growth?
Yes. A number of employees have moved up to better-paying positions with more responsibilities.
Does this organization promote from within, or hire outside when looking for employees?
Provide an example of how this organization has recently gone above and beyond for an employee, team or client/customer.
Numerous fundraisers through the MGT and staff with employees fighting major illnesses such as cancer.
Communication is key, how effective is the organization at communication with their employees and/or client/customer? *
Very effective. They have internal software for all schedules and requests for time off, along with a great website, & a Facebook presence to promote the restaurant.
In what ways does the organization give back to their community? Please provide an example.
Numerous donations by Gift Card, and cash donations. They provide free food for many causes each year as well.
Are you actively hiring/recruiting outside your organization?
YES, East Bay Grille is hiring for all positions.