Enrollment Open for Community Leadership Institute

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For Immediate Release (November 14, 2024) – Cape Cod, MA: Leadership Cape Cod, focusing on its mission to inspire and develop the next generation of leaders for the Cape Cod region, is excited to announce that it is now accepting applications for the Community Leadership Institute Class of 2025. 
Founded in 1992, the Community Leadership Institute (CLI) engages, inspires, and develops leaders through an interactive program that brings together current and future leaders to learn from one another while discussing the issues, challenges, and opportunities within our region.
This rigorous and diverse program is presented annually, immersing participants in all areas of the Cape Cod community and professional fields, including healthcare, social services, education, business, government, law, environment, media and the arts. Participants learn about current and developing issues facing Cape Cod and the Islands, and how to become more involved in providing the leadership needed to help address these challenges.
“If you are interested in advancing your career, growing your network, and enhancing your leadership skills, all while learning about the unique Cape Cod region, CLI is for you,” said CLI Board Chair Sarah Colvin (CLI Class of 2015). “We can’t wait to welcome the next ‘best class ever’ in January.”
The program features twelve biweekly sessions from January to June, concluding with a commencement ceremony. Class members will work together to complete a community service project. Students are encouraged to think about their role in creating solutions to local and regional challenges.
More than eight hundred individuals have participated in the program since its inception in 1992. CLI alumni include local and state politicians, business and nonprofit leaders, entrepreneurs, educators, health care professionals and members of the media.
The registration deadline for the Community Leadership Institute is December 6, 2024.. Learn more and apply: www.leadershipcapecod.org/leadership/
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