Bourne, Cape Cod Commission To Discuss ‘Complete Streets’

Filed Under: Other News

The Cape Cod Commission and the town of Bourne will be holding a public meeting Wednesday, March 11, at 6:30 p.m. at the Bourne Middle School Library, 77 Waterhouse Road to discuss the development of a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan for the town.

A “complete street” provides accommodations for all users, including motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists and persons with disabilities. The focus of the meeting is to gather public feedback on the issues, opportunities, and visions for the places in which multi-modal accommodations are needed to improve connections for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users in the town of Bourne.

The public meeting will include an overview of the town’s newly adopted Complete Streets policy, identification of existing multi-modal accommodations, and an interactive group discussion to identify issue and opportunity areas.

A second public meeting will be scheduled in the late spring to discuss potential multi-modal improvement projects to be included in the draft prioritization project list.

Guided by the input from these public meetings and in conjunction with the town of Bourne, Cape Cod Commission staff will prepare a final report and the Complete Streets prioritization plan. The prioritization plan will be submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) as part of the Town’s ongoing participation in the Complete Streets Program.
For more information, visit the project website at or contact: David Nolan, transportation planner, Cape Cod Commission: 508-744-1228