Cape Cod Commission Releases Broadband Needs Assessment

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For Immediate Release (September 9, 2024) — How reliable is broadband on Cape Cod? That is among the key questions a new assessment of the region’s broadband network answers.
Households, community institutions, and businesses across Cape Cod depend on high-speed broadband across nearly all essential activities and aspects of life. Access to fast and reliable internet is essential for vibrant communities, enabling work, learning, and engagement through devices like cell phones, tablets, and computers. High-speed broadband is crucial for households, businesses, and institutions across Cape Cod, making it a key priority for economic development and community planning.
Prepared for Barnstable County by CTC Technologies and Energy and Rural Innovation Solutions, Inc., and the Cape Cod Commission, the Regional Broadband Needs Assessment and Summary presents key findings and provides actionable recommendations to improve the region’s broadband landscape and address digital equity challenges.
Key findings show a lack of competition, lack of fiber, and high prices for Cape Cod subscribers. The vast majority of residents and businesses have only one choice of provider. This lack of competition results in the highest prices in the state and significant issues with internet affordability. Less than two percent of Cape Cod addresses have access to fiber internet service. Fiber is considered “future-proof” infrastructure—meaning infrastructure that requires little extra cost to increase speeds in the future and lasts for decades. The study found more than half of Cape Cod residents pay over $100 per month for internet service alone, and 85% pay more than $200 per month for bundled internet, cable, and phone services.
The Regional Broadband Needs Assessment outlines 14 recommendations that address needs and opportunities identified across three broad categories: fiber and fixed broadband infrastructure, mobile network enhancements, and advancing digital equity on Cape Cod. The recommendations offer strategic approaches for municipal and regional leaders and other stakeholders to enact across Cape Cod.
“This is an opportune time to plan for the region’s future broadband needs,” says Cape Cod Commission Executive Director Kristy Senatori. “With current funding opportunities, technological advancements, and support at the national, state, and local levels for broadband and digital equity, the region is in a good position to address regional connectivity challenges and digital inequities.”
The Regional Broadband Needs Assessment represents a significant step towards understanding the functionality of the region’s existing internet network and the potential for upgrades or expansion to increase access to high-speed broadband. The connectivity landscape is ever-changing and particularly dynamic at the time of publication, given funding opportunities at both the state and federal levels. The Needs Assessment intends to support strategic decision-making processes and collaboration for Cape Cod and its municipalities in this rapidly evolving environment.
This project was funded by Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds provided by the U.S. Department of the Treasury through Barnstable County.