Cape Cod Commission seeks members for Vision Zero Advisory Committee

Filed Under: Non Profit News, Other

Help shape the future of transportation safety on Cape Cod

The Cape Cod Commission is seeking community members to join the Vision Zero Advisory Committee to help shape the future of transportation safety on Cape Cod.

The Cape Cod Commission has been awarded funding through the Federal Safe Streets and Roads for All Discretionary Grant Program to develop a Vision Zero Action Plan for Barnstable County. Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries among all road users and ensure safe, healthy, equitable mobility. The Commission will develop a Vision Zero Action Plan in partnership with local, state, and federal stakeholders. A Vision Zero Advisory Committee (VZAC) will oversee the development of the Vision Zero Action Plan and provide feedback throughout the process.

The Vision Zero Advisory Committee (VZAC) will consist of 10 to 15 members, including representatives from the Cape Cod Metropolitan Planning Organization and Cape Cod Joint Transportation Committee, local or regional elected officials, public safety officials, and community representatives.

Examples of community representation topic areas include Bicycle/Pedestrian, Tribal Members, Disability, Transit, Public Health, Minority or other Underrepresented Communities, Older Population, and Youth. Community Representatives may be eligible for compensation for their participation on the VZAC.

Members will attend VZAC meetings and share perspectives on transportation safety challenges in the region. They will also help identify potential problem areas and solutions by providing critical input and feedback, provide feedback on project deliverables, assist in public engagement and future implementation, and help track progress.

Approximately five (5) VZAC meetings will be held over a one-year period during the plan development. The meetings may be held virtually or in a hybrid format with in-person participation at the Cape Cod Commission’s office at 3225 Main Street, Barnstable, MA 02630. Committee members will work to identify mutually agreed-upon meeting times/dates.

Interested persons are encouraged to email Colleen Medeiros, Cape Cod Commission Transportation Program Manager, at by June 1, 2024. Please include your contact information and a summary of your background highlighting why you would make a good candidate for the Vision Zero Action Committee. For more information, please visit