Community Development Partnership Honored By Two Statewide Organizations

Filed Under: Non Profit News

The Community Development Partnership is being recognized the  Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP) and Citizens’ Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) for its work to build public support for affordable, year‐round housing.

Over the past six years, the CDP has launched and expanded advocacy efforts for affordable housing through its Lower Cape Community Housing Partnership. The initiative equips various community stakeholders with the knowledge and skills to support the creation of more affordable housing on Lower Cape Cod. Participants include low‐to‐moderate‐income residents, business and community leaders, municipal staff, and local elected and appointed officials. To date, nearly 300 town officials and staff have participated.

“The peer‐to‐peer relationships and ongoing access to state and federal resources have been incredibly valuable to me from the CDP training,” said Orleans Select Board member Andrea Reed. “As a layperson trying to help with these local threats to housing and economic security, the CDP is an incredible resource.”

During its annual Housing Institute on June 15, MHP presented the CDP with one of three 2023 Housing Hero awards.

“In a state where local decisions about more housing happen at the local level, we think it’s important to recognize elected officials, municipal staff, local leaders and volunteers for their role in supporting affordable homes and convincing residents to do likewise,” said MHP’s Communications Manager Lisa Braxton.

CDP award
From left, Lisa Braxton, Massachusetts Housing Partnership, with CDP staff Andrea Aldana, Jay Coburn, Terri Barron, Mallorey Yannone, Pelinda Deegan, and Amanda Bebrin.

CDP CEO and President Jay Coburn said, “The affordable housing crisis is a community problem, and the Lower Cape Community Housing Partnership is a community‐based solution. It has been an effective vehicle to cultivate partnerships with town governments and engage underrepresented communities in local and regional decision‐making. We are honored to be recognized by MHP and our peers for this important work.”

Later in the month, at its annual dinner, CHAPA will present Andrea Aldana, the CDP’s Chief Program Officer, with the Community Engagement Award. The award honors Aldana “for centering people in housing decisions, providing support to community volunteers, and advocating for housing solutions to ensure a more equitable Cape Cod.”

Aldana has been integral in building the CDP’s advocacy efforts for affordable housing. In her role, she ensures the voices of Lower Cape community members are represented in CDP programming and regional policies.

For more information about the Community Development Partnership visit