Mentoring: Taking Massive Action

Filed Under: In 2021, January, Marketing

The famous motivational speaker, Tony Robbins, teaches us that if you want a better life, you have to take “massive action.” I’ve often thought about what it might mean to do that for my businesses and my own life.

I found the answer when it struck home this spring during the lockdown. After weeks of waiting, I decided to take massive action. For me, it meant pushing myself beyond what anyone else expected of me. Of course, it wasn’t easy, and at times it also meant facing my responsibilities and failures along the way.

But the end-result of taking massive action was an expansion of my knowledge, awareness, and opportunities.

It worked for me.

Here is a beginner’s guide to taking massive action in your business and your personal life and making it work for you:

Work On Your Self Esteem

Low self-esteem is a personality trait that, most professionals agree, is developed during childhood and impacts our adult life. It’s reported that nearly 85 percent of people experience it at some level.

You cannot create positive change or improve your career unless you believe that change is possible and you deserve it! Whether you want to be the best mentor, make the world’s most amazing phone, or work towards a new position in your company, there is something out there better for you. But before you get it, you’ll first have to believe that you are worthy of it.

Set Goals

Creating crystal-clear goals is absolutely imperative to achieving them. 

 Be very vivid and specific. Print pictures or make a vision board of exactly what you desire to accomplish. Whether you want to travel, purchase a new car, move into a new home, have better relationships, or increase your communication skills, you need to see these goals every day and have them top-of-mind. 

Create A Plan

This is the blueprint for your massive action. Creating a very detailed step-by-step plan to achieving each and every single goal with milestones and dates is essential to the next step in your journey.  

Think about putting assistive aids or controls in place so that your plan is followed. Time blocking your calendar or asking other friends to hold you accountable are the two most common ways people stay focused on executing their plan. 

Ask For Help

Your plan may require skill sets, expertise or relationships you do not have at the moment, but they are crucial to your plan’s success. In that case, find someone who can help you in areas you lack or won’t have time to focus on.

This can be anything from calling a friend for motivation, hiring an accountant or CFO to help you control your finances, get HR assistance with hiring, or outsourcing your sales and marketing. Our community has a plethora of free knowledge and experienced professionals who are willing to help, so go ahead and find someone who’s right for you. 

Create Positive Energy

One really important takeaway is that if you’re going to take massive action, you’re going to need energy. In his talks, Tony Robbins often drives home the fact that you need to take care of your body and mind. Eat well, rest, exercise, and engage in positive activities to create the energy you need to succeed. Remove all negativity from your thought, language, and from your life as much as possible; you’ll be better off for it. 

Take Massive Action!

Set your plan in motion. Visualize your goals, think about them every day, follow your dream.

 Don’t Give Up

Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk says, “Most people do it for a month and then give up.”  This cannot be you!

Revisit the steps of this process: keep focused on your self-esteem, tweak your plan, ask for help when you need it, and continually create the energy you need to meet your goals.

I promise it’ll all be worth it in the end. 

Dale Shadbegian is CEO of C&P Business Media. He can be reached at dale@capeplymouthbusiness. com