“Close to the Wind” Summit to Convene at the Hyport Conference Center in Hyannis, Massachusetts

Filed Under: Other News

Barnstable, Massachusetts — January 4, 2024


The “Close to the Wind” Summit, a gathering to bring together concerned voices to discuss the technology, wisdom and risks of offshore wind development. Guest speakers will discuss offshore wind power development, interconnection and better approaches to the transition to renewable energy. The conference will take place on Saturday, January 27, 2024, at the Hyport Conference Center, 35 Scudder Ave., Hyannis, Mass.

Organized by the group Save Greater Dowses Beach, East Coast activists, energy and environmental experts will discuss offshore wind energy construction, transmission and its onshore impacts. The conference will focus attention on less harmful and costly ways to develop offshore wind energy while minimizing the damage and disruption to residents and businesses that operate offshore and onshore.

SGDB Summit banner FINAL 3 Jan 2024

Event Highlights:
1. Speakers: Local and regional thought leaders from the fields of renewable energy, commercial

fishing and community activism will deliver inspiring addresses. Speakers to include:
Lisa Quattrocki Knight, Cofounder and President, Green Oceans https://green-oceans.org/
Jerry Leeman – New England Fishermen’s Stewardship Assoc. https://www.nefishermen.org/
Val Oliver, Founding Director, ACK for Whales https://ack4whales.org/
David Buzanoski, President, Falmouth Heights Maravista Neighborhood Assoc. https://fhmna.org/ Barnstable Speaks https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=barnstable%20speaks
Joe Bourne, Protect Sandbridge Beach https://www.protectsandbridgebeach.org/
Susanne Conley and Adam Mirick, Save Greater Dowses Beach https://savedowses.org/

2. Q&A: Attendees will have ample opportunity to ask questions and express their own viewpoints on offshore wind development and its impacts.

Registration and Details:

  • Date: Saturday, January 27, 2024
  • Time: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
  • Location: Hyport Conference Center, 35 Scudder Avenue, Barnstable, Massachusetts
  • Registration: Reserve your place by emailing saveourbeach22@gmail.com
  • Donation: $20 at the door (checks preferred)

    For media inquiries, please contact:
    Stacey Guenther, Save Greater Dowses Beach, (646) 732-3390 or ACGuenther99@gmail.com Susanne Conley, Chair, Save Greater Dowses Beach, (508) 922-4342 or saveourbeach22@gmail.com