The Coop Launches Annual #MyCapeCod Photo Contest

Filed Under: Banking, More News

The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod launched its ninth annual #MyCapeCod Photo Contest giving amateur photographers, age 13 and up, the opportunity to win cash prizes and be featured in The Coop’s 2022 Community Calendar.

Participants can enter by submitting a photo that reflects what they think makes Cape Cod a wonderful place to visit, live and work across the four seasons. The Coop is seeking photos that capture the people, places or pets that make the Cape special to those fortunate enough to spend time here. Each participant can submit up to three entries.

Each submission must be a high-resolution, digital photograph in its original format (no alteration or enhancement using photo editing software with the exception of color or clarity correction) and at least 8MP, submitted in .jpeg or .jpg format, without watermarks. Judging criteria will include originality, creativity, concept and photographic quality, in equal parts.

Grand Nicolas Sandim Dennis Summer Sunset 2020701
The winning photo from last year’s contest, “Dennis Summer Sunset” by Nicolas Sandim of Dennis

The Grand Prize winner will be awarded a $200 VISA Gift Card and have their winning photo on the front cover of the 2021 Community Calendar. First place winners (four) will receive a $100 VISA® Gift Card and be featured as a monthly photograph in the calendar; Second place winners (four) will receive a $50 VISA Gift Card and be featured as a monthly photograph in the calendar; runner-Up winners (four) will be featured as a monthly photograph in the calendar.

Entries can be submitted online at through Oct. 1, 2021. Winners will be announced no later than October 31, 2021.